青岛煜霖尚品文化产业有限公司公司成立于2002年,总占地面积30亩,投资1500万元,总建筑面积14000平方米,备有完善的工作、生活环境。公司自主经营、独立核算、自负盈亏具有独立法人资格的经济实体,为从事毛绒玩具的开发、生产、贸易为一体的综合性企业。现公司自有车工600人,辅助车工400人,完成工80人,包装等各种辅助工70人,裁断35台激光切割机,年产值人民币7000万左右。产品主要销往韩国,日本。公司拥有20人专业的开发团队,能满足客户的开发要求,公司以前做过NICI GUNG RUSS。现在生产哆啦A梦,海贼王,蜡笔小新等系列卡通产品。
公司的检测设备完备,对公司的产品,自始至终进行全面检查,完全按照产品质量标准进行生产。公司设有专门的开发技术部门,致力于新产品开发。 我公司已经通过山东省检验检疫局的玩具生产企的质量体系认证,生产的产品符合国家玩具安全标准“GB6675-2014”等,并取得“出口产品质量许可证”,现场管理导入5S概念,即“整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养”管理方法,致力于提高全体员工的素质,并彻底的贯彻“精工细作、精益求精、追求卓越”的理念,贯穿公司的人员培训、生产管理、提升生产效率、完善质量体系等所有的管理活动。 以人为本、以质量求生存、以信誉求发展”。 我公司将为客户的需求而努力。
Qingdao Yu Lin Shang Pin Gift Products Company was founded in 2002, covering an area of 30 acres, with an investment of 15 million RMB.It has 14000 square meters total construction area, with perfect working and living environment. It is an integrated enterprise with independent business, independent accounting, profit and loss, independent legal personality of the economic entity, mainly producing and trading plush toys. Now the company has 600 turners, 400 auxiliary turner, 80 workers, 70 packaging and other auxiliary workers, 35 sets of cutting laser cutting machine, with an annual output value of 70 million RMB. Products are mainly exported to South Korea and Japan. The company has 20 professional development teams, so that to meet customers’ various requirements. The company has done the NICI GUNG RUSS before, and now mainly new small series of cartoon products such as Doraemon, One Piece, Crayon Shin Chan.